Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, “Data! Data! Data!...I can’t make bricks without clay.” Most grant professionals I know love the act and art of telling a good story in a grant proposal. So do I. But what about the data and statistics needed to back up that story you are conveying to the funder?
Grant-Making Agencies List 4/29/20
Grants Lifecycle 101
Grants Management is crucial for your organization if you would like to continue receiving grants. The focus on performance, accountability, and transparency play a major role as you manage the grants. To continue receiving grant dollars we highly encourage you to consider the grants lifecycle- it will allow you to streamline your organizational processes.
Grant Management: Budget vs. Actual Reconciliations
Spending Federal Funds
We Made the Grant Hub's Best of 2016
I'm excited to share that my blog post for DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services, LLC made the Best of 2016: The Resources Rundown by Grant Hub.